Planets have ethereal energy centers, routinely called chakras. As described in Call To Purpose, each center has a specific function to maintain the ethereal and physical balance of the whole. Since Earth has nine major chakras, it’s larger lifeforms do as well. This image shows the region and primary function of Earth’s chakras and its corresponding chakra in a human body.

Earth’s chakras and their corresponding chakra in humans are described below. Photographs I took of each center are included. Descriptions start with the 8th because, as Mariyonta and Aronlat learned, it’s what keeps humans grounded and balanced so life-giving co-creation can occur.
8th Chakra
1st Chakra
2nd Chakra
3rd Chakra
4th Chakra
5th Chakra
6th Chakra
7th Chakra
9th Chakra
8th Chakra
Earth Body: Dimensional Grounding – Connection to Earth’s physical and ethereal dimensions so its life forms can live balanced in both.
Human Body: Earth Knowledge and Grounding – Grounding with Earth knowledge is the communication with the planet and all of its life forms.
Grounded in earth, sky and water, the Australian Baobab tree can live 2,000 years. It stores and provides water through the dry season. Its leaves, rich with iron, are boiled and eaten like spinach. Its fruit is eaten by birds, mammals and humans. Considered a sacred tree, indigenous Australians carve the dried-outer shell of its fruit with art.
The tall figures look into the rock, into Earth, not out from it. Gwion Gwion (Bradshaw) paintings in the remote region of NW Australia may be over 40,000 years old. The latest of these paintings are around 5000 old, which means the civilization that created them existed for 35,000 years. The pigments they used fed an ongoing, symbiotic relationship between black fungi and red bacteria. Using that living biology created vivid figures we still see today.
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1st Chakra
Earth Body: Survival of Life – Center of survival and physical health, aliveness and adaptability.
Human Body: Survival of Individual – Physical health and healing, knowledge of how to live and survive.
Bristle Cone Pines exemplify the wisdom of Earth’s Survival Chakra. With life spans approaching 5,000 years, they are among the longest-lived life forms on Earth. They can thrive where few plants can; in shallow, rocky dolomitic soils at high elevation and areas with virtually no rainfall.
The sculptured Earth at Cedar Breaks reveals a half-mile deep geologic amphitheater of 90 million-year-old stone and timeless bristlecone pines. The rocks tell stories of ancient seas, violent volcanoes, and a time when this area was a lake the size of Lake Erie
Ancient, living trees with extremely good survival information outline the chakra’s center in North America. Bristlecone are shown in bright green. The Pinyon Pine, with lives exceeding 600 years, are shown in light green. The turquoise dot is the location of the Pando Quaking Aspen. The part of the aspen above ground grows from one, massive underground root system; most often estimated 80,000 years old, living underground through the area’s last glaciation 16,000 years ago.
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2nd Chakra
Earth Body: Renewal and Rebirth – Center for the cycle of life and death, and co-creation in a continuous cycle of giving and receiving.
Human Body: Rebirth, Sensation and Creation – Giving and receiving to co-create and diversify life, jointly with the 4th chakra creates enduring creation.
Baillonella (or moabi) trees live more than 600 years. Rather than grow in groups, they stand individually within lowland rainforest. Its seeds, bark and latex are used for medicinal treatments. Its fruits are eaten fresh or processed into a highly valued oil. The tree is so valuable that, at least for the Bantu people where I was, the family who discovers one obtains the inheritable right use and care for it for generations.
The people I came to know lived continuously aware that their bodies and souls were one with the Earth’s body and soul. These people thrummed with life, filled with knowing they were a part of creation much larger than self, and they danced in the rhythm of Earth.
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3rd Chakra
Earth Body: Integration and Timing – Integrates etheric and physical dimensions with planetary timing.
Human Body: Integration of Experience – Integrates etheric and physical self, its timing, its dimensions, and feels the impact of, and upon, the outside world.
Ariel view of Mt. Roraima in south-east Venezuela near the border with Brazil, rises above the clouds and the jungle 3,000 feet below.
This photo shows a whirling cloud over “The Horns” in Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia.
Our camp, on the top of Mt. Roraima.
The Atacama Desert, Chile, is one of the driest places on earth. The rippled rock of “Valley of the Moon” was created by the encounter of the Atacama Desert with the Andes mountains.
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4th Chakra
Earth Body: Emotion – Emotional center for caring, empathy and processing emotions as a language within all life.
Human Body: Processing emotion – Emotions as the language of the body, responding to each moment.
View at sunrise from the top of Mt. Sinai, Egypt. A view unchanged since the time of Moses and the arrival of the Ten Commandments.
Intricate facades that front chambers carved into Petra’s rock is located a few kilometers south of the 12,000 year-old settlement of Beidha, Jordan. Because they are carved in stone, dating them is not possible. The chambers are often the size of a large living room, although with 30 foot high ceilings. As with the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, these chambers have no inscriptions.
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5th Chakra
Earth Body: Hearing and Expressing Sound – Center of constant listening and expressing ethereal and physical sound for communication throughout Earth.
Human Body: Listening and Communicating – Listening and speaking inside and outside of self, both physical and etheric.
Siberian elms are the only tree that grows in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. They’re very drought resistant, cold hardy, and able to grow in poor soil. Some leaves moved without wind, and it’s not surprising that Mongolian Buddhists consider these trees sacred.
Nomadic people of the Gobi moving with the seasons and the stars.
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6th Chakra
Earth Body: Vision, Inside and Out – Inward vision into the planet and outward into the cosmos in all dimensions.
Human Body: Vision, Inside and Out – Inner and outer vision, physical and etheric.
The eye of the Earth, Lake Baikal is over a mile deep, the deepest lake in the world. It also the oldest, formed from a vast rift valley that appeared about 25 million years ago. It’s clarity is world renowned, transparent up to 130’ in the winter. It holds 20% of the planet’s fresh water. Only the combined volume of all five Great Lakes into one “Great Lake” of North America compares. Its ecosystem is home to more than 1,500 animal species, about 80 percent of which live nowhere else on the planet.
Camping in the rain near the mouth of the Shumilikha River on the northeastern shore of the lake. The rough trail into the mountains from there is surrounded by a densely wooded forest of Alder, Aspen, Birch, Larch, Fir, Pine and Spruce.
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7th Chakra
Earth Body: Ethereal Knowingness – Center of knowledge for ethereal realms within and beyond the Earth.
Human Body: Inner Knowing – Cosmic knowledge, ethereal self, self-honesty and personal identity.
A mountain pass half a day’s walk north of Dharamshala, India, home of the Dalai Lama and the provincial capital of Tibet in exile.
Prayer flags of Bhutan, with the Himalayas at the northern border with Tibet in the distance.
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9th Chakra
Earth Body: Ethereal Essence – The most ethereal aspects of Earth’s consciousness.
Human Body: Ethereal Awareness of Self – Brings a being’s ethereal essence into the body to match Earth’s essence entering through the 8th needed for conscious co-creation.
Doubtful Sound is a remote fjord in southwestern New Zealand. It receives around 200 inches of rain each year and is only accessible by sea. The mountainous landscape surrounding it is dense rainforest. One of many waterfalls, this one cascades over 2,000 ft (600m) down into the Sound.
Dolphins at play in the South Pacific off the east coast of New Zealand.
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Like all lands of Earth, Antarctica began as a part of the whole. Earth’s continents began to take recognizable shape about 200 million years ago (MYA). 100 MYA Antarctica was covered by huge tree-sized ferns and conifer forests. As continental chakras continued to move to their positions, Earth began to move Antarctica – its storehouse of information from all lands – to the south pole. About 40 MYA Antarctica settled into its present position, and by 25 MYA the whole continent was blanketed with ice. Although not a chakra it serves a critical function connecting all continents. Earth moved it to a place as remote and as uninhabitable as possible to best protect it.
Curious but unafraid of us, the Chinstrap penguin colony at the top of Spigot Peak seemed to know that we wouldn’t live through the night in a place where they prospered.
I shot this video as some of the adventurers from our small, thick hulled ship climbed Spigot Peak to find a Chinstrap colony reported there. The icy peak’s black rock rises 1,000’ above the Danco Coast on the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula.
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It took twenty years and refinancing our home a couple of times, but walking these lands is what made the connection between all of Earth’s charkas and those in the human body real for me. Renee, I and Jane (our excellent trip organizer) and Donna went to them all. It was walking alongside Donna (described in the Epilogue) that made the chakras real to me with a depth impossible to experience alone. As a result, it feels like every cell of my body knows the planet is a living being; our bodies – and chakras – are a part of it. Walking the lands of every chakra also awoke clear memory of how the joining of human body and spirit of Earth with ethereal beings made conscious human-beings possible.
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Free Print-Quality Map of Earth’s Chakras and their corresponding location in Human Beings.
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→ Special thanks to graphic artist Carl Mitsch who’s mindful expertise was invaluable for creating this map.
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Chakra Travels
The pins on this map show lands hiked in seventy counties. Experiencing ethereal and physical energies of each as an undivided whole in Earth’s chakra centers is what made them so uniquely real. I learned the spirit and chakras of my body had an innate knowledge of them. The challenge for me was to let go of what I thought I knew and let the energies flow without getting in the way.
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